Sunday, November 30, 2008


I had not realised how long it has been since I wrote here .Almost a week for goodness sake.Was up doing the holiday/parent upkeep thing. Being up in the country in their home always seems to produce a sort of Narnia like quality for me.Meaning that I step through the door and my reality is briefly left behind to be fully in their world, full well knowing that my life will be ready for me as soon as I step out the door again. It requires a certain level of faith and letting go of control.

Nothing dramatic to report from the visit. I thought I would do a little gratitude list from the trip,sort of an overview .

I am grateful that.......The pies I cooked turned out well and helped kill so bad politics happening in the land of co-housing.

That the weather was still nice enough for for proper walks and observations about holiday fishermen and ducks.

The dog choose to sleep with me every night I was there.

That dad has discovered YouTube.That for how ever awful he know feels , he has discovered new music he loves, including a strange infatuation with Jerry Lee Lewis.

That Mom and I are so friggin healthy, at least emotionally together. That we can look back on the ugly teen years and not have them overwhelm us with a case of the yucks any more. That she didn't marry an actor.

The watching of the parade and a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving still gives high levels of joy.

The purchase of a potential very cool gift for my younger niece, an interlocking block puzzle of paintings of classic beautiful red headed women.She may not get it now, but hopefully she will see images of her self someday.

That I have been able to put aside my angry and resentment of my brother for 8 minutes or so to send him 2 birthday presents, a Lucinda Williams live album and a book of unfinished Tolkien story's, that are too cool for school and given with love. I can pick up my nasty feelings at the door later.

That Mom wrapped up containers of turkey and rocking spiced mashed potatoes so I could eat them when I came home. No cooking or take out for Suz last night.

That I came home to find my home clean ,safe , warm and friendly. That I had made the smart move of tidying up before I left so I would have such an environment. That my so to be 16 year old cats were pleased to see me, desiring my affection and attention, but not anxious or neurotic.

That I got my ass out of the house last night, ran to the store so that I would have strong coffee, milk and cereal this morning.

That I woke up to the sound of rain on the air conditioner, feeling safe and content. How amazingly happy I am at about my life this morning.

And flannel pajamas.May we never forget the wonders of warm jammies.

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