Monday, November 3, 2008

Hopeful but careful

Back when SNL still was in its funny and entertaining period, they ran a sketch in '92 ' a Clinton town hall meeting where he took questions from the public. A mildly crazed looking woman comes to the mike and says " Governor Clinton, where's my stuff ?"
Clinton starts to respond with sympathetic answers about the economy and health care and the lady interrupts him.
"No , I mean, I see other people with cool stuff. Where is MY stuff ?"

I always thought that summed up the typical American voter. Screw schools, the elderly, street conditions,health care. How can all that get fixed while my still get to have my stuff?My ex- political science professor mother today reassured me that we are most likely going to win the presidential race and both houses. I just realised that I think that will be a first in my life time. I don't know how I will handle it.What can I fall back on if I can't assume the bulk of the USA is a bunch of babies who are the fault for everything?

I guess I will have to go back to blaming my family for everything..........

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