Monday, December 15, 2008

Facebook and PMS creates middleaged teenager

I am just aware that I am in a totally pissy mood. Sort of swept up on me. In part it was just that kind of piss making day. My mother called me this morning and drilled me about my frustration about not being able to lose weight.This has been going on since the thyroid went wacky a few years back. Now I am completely healthy , my blood work couldn't be better, not an ounce moves. My gynecologist doesn't have any ideas. Every book I have read says that basically I would have to exercises about an hour and half a day and limit my calorie intake to about 1500 calories to cause any change. Some how I don't see myself doing that.

But Mom is fixated on there must be someone out there who knows something.That can do something. I expressed sure, Jackie Suzanne covered them in Valley of the Dolls. A friend who has also battled weight issues through out her life recently spoke wistfully is Crank was all that bad for you. I know my mother is just transferring her lack of control of health issues in her household on to me . But this was just getting to me. Particularly when a certain person who I hated in middle school , who has "Friended " me recently has taken to posting a bunch of hot photos of herself as result of a low carb diet. OK this may have been the start of the crappy day.

There was also a visit to the post office that involved the rejection of the box I was sending my nieces birthday presents in. The computer stopped for no real reason at all in the middle of the day, and then sort of magically started up again, just to fuck with me. A 2 presents I planned to the last detail about will not be here in time for the holiday. And then Facebook.

Do grownups forget about hurting other peoples feelings? Did no one grow up a WASP? One group I am social with, not close with, but am social, had this big party this weekend and the crowd chose to post about every 5 minutes of action. I know everyone is these pictures. I was not invited. I am not sure I would have wanted to be there but it would have been nice to have been asked. Another group from my history is having a big bash this weekend. There are regular RSVP postings. I have not been close with these people in a quite sometime but ,again, I know everyone. I have not been asked. Ouch.Does no one think of these affects?

And there is a former classmate of mine cheerfully aggressively promoting her practice. I think she is way over pushy. I am totally jealous.

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