Saturday, November 22, 2008


So I have had this roomer for about a week or more and so far its going fine. There is this build in relief about the fact that there is a built in deadline. He will be gone before Christmas. Then I can walk around half naked while talking to myself again. And that will be the true Christmas miracle.

I once took a personality test where the results kind of pleased and disturbed me. First off it said that I had one of the rarest types. I don't know if they say that to everyone, like a personality testing," I never felt like this before ." ,sort of thing. But it seems I had this weird ass leader /teacher mindset where I can put my attention on the well being of others for long periods of time and then need a certain amount of isolation to regroup.

This sounded right on the money and then I saw the list of some of the famous people who shared this out look. Ralph Nader, Oprah, a few other biggies who have in fact impacted the world in huge ways and arguably made some peoples lives better. But not one of them was married or had kids. In fact you got the sense that all of them would be a royal pain to live with, that when they came home from saving the planet they would be kind of freaky about the towels or the magazine racks.

So what I am noticing this time around is that everyone Else's clutter is more annoying and unreasonable than yours. Where they put their coffee mug is stupid. Yours in logical. Them getting the bathmat soaked- moron behaviour, you getting the bathmat soaked- simple mistake that could happen to anyone. I think this living with others from time to time is life saving.

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