Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sleep is for pussys

I read recently that the AMA did a study that concluded if you share your bed at night with a cat, you are 40% less likely to have a heart attack. Which leads one to wonder if the AMA is running out of ways to spend their budget. It also makes me wonder about does the heart health issue work out if you lie in bed at night staring at the ceiling while a cat lies next to you wacking you in the face.

Last night was a beast. Turned out the light a little before 11, woke up at about 1:30 .And that was all she wrote. I wonder if this kind of sitution can be genetic. My Mom has nights like these all the time. We swap tips that tend to work once or twice (Melatonin, hot bath, visualations of the doom of those who have done us wrong.) Her Mom sleep issues were legendary. When she died we were sent to empty her apartment. On her bedside table was a pack of playing cards that she would play solitare with when she couldn't slumber. She has played with them so much, the cards were almost moist.

She also had 3 piles of books by her bed, interesting reading, responsible educated reading, and god- awful kill me now- boring reading. I tend to take that route when I give up on the sand man.The problem was I finished the "eh" book I was reading just before bed. I have recently bought a couple of volumes of reading material of books I read in middle school that I think it's time for me to pick up again now I can possibly understand them. Grapes of Wrath is one. At 13 all I could recall was the breast feeding the starving man bit at the end. The teen grossness factor overroad Steinbeck's art.I also got the new addition of Anne Frank's diary. It seems Papa Frank took out passages that Anne wrote about her budding sexual feelings and how much her mother pissed her off. God forbid a martyr sound like a human we can relate to.

But I didn't want to start traveling with the Joads last night when I was going to be able to respect their journey. Because I was going to be thinking while reading was ," God I wish I was unconcious!" Likewise I didn't think hanging in my head with doomed Jews was going to be a sleepy time tea reality. So I just lay there and thought about health insurance. I did nod off at sometime and have a hot flirtation dream with an unknown French guy. So the night was not a complete waiste.

Now I am totally drained. This is a ride on the suckmobile submarine. I didn't work out this morning because I have no power to be in motion. This makes me feel like an unwound clock. I have a full day ahead with no fuel. There is work, the hunt for an honest dishwasher repair man, returning of books to library before they are overdue,cleaning my house for a unexpected parental visit, and ending with a marketing class tonight which even on the best evenings can suck the life out of me.

As Gigi sang, say a prayer for me tonight.

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